Just like in person, first impression lasts
in everything we do, same is the case with IELTS Writing task. The way you
showcase your writing skills at the start of the IELTS essay writing task, the
examiner gets an image of what the entire essay is going to be like. In order
to attain success in IELTS Writing task 2, you are required to be very clear
with what you are about to write.
In this article, we will talk about writing
task 2 of IELTS.
First of all, let’s cover the common
mistakes committed by the candidates while writing the introduction.
1 1.Talking too generally about
the topic
Usually, candidates start their essays with
“In modern life…” or “Nowadays...” followed by the general information related
to the topic. This is not advisable because as you are supposed to write an
answer and not general information about the topic.
2.Excluding the thesis
This is the most important sentence in an
essay and not including it leads to the loss of bands.
3. Not outlining what you are
about to do
If you don’t include a sentence outlining
what you want to say in the essay, the examiner doesn’t get to know what you have
written in the rest of your essay. This also leads to a loss of score.
4.Writing informal
Understand your audience and write you
essay in an academic style.
and Bad examples of introduction
Question: There is an evidence that
increasing use of cars is resulting in global warming and imposing other
harmful effects on people’s health.
To what extent do you agree/disagree to the
given statement?
Constantly rising temperatures and human
health issues are often being noticed due to the expanding use of automobiles. I
agree with the fact that increasing use of vehicles is contributing a lot to increase
in global temperatures and undesirable health issues. This essay will first talk
about the production of greenhouse gases due to excessive use of vehicles and
then about other toxic chemicals released by vehicles which have adverse
effects on our health.
Nowadays, cars are used commonly. Majority
of people are using cars to move from one place to another. This rise in number
of cars being used by people is resulting in the production of greenhouse gases
and affecting human health.
The above examples clearly state the
difference between the good and bad introduction. The bad example generally
talks about the topic and does not include a Thesis statement.
of a Good Introduction
Using this structure, you will be able to
score higher bands and also save a lot of time. With practice, you will be able
to write an effective introduction and writing task 2 will become easy for you.
An introduction should have three parts and
these should be:
1.Paraphrase question
2.Thesis statement
3.Outline statement
Let’s have a look at each sentence now.
1.Paraphrase Question
When you paraphrase, it means that you will be stating the question again but in different words. This is done by using synonyms and changing sentence structure of the question. So, make sure that you paraphrase the question in a way that the meaning doesn’t change in any form.
2.Thesis statement
This is the most important part of an essay introduction as the main idea revolves around it. It helps the examiner to understand that you have understood the question and the essay is going to be coherent. Thesis statement is generally one sentence long so you have to practice summing up your opinion in just one sentence.
Start your thesis statement using:
I agree that…or disagrees that… (Opinion)
The major advantage(s) is…and the main disadvantage(s)…..
The main cause(s) of the issue is…
3.Outline Statement
Now that you are done with paraphrasing and outlining, the next step would be to tell the examiner what you are going to talk about in the main body paragraphs of your essay.
Practicing the essay writing by following the above stated structure will help you to write an impressive essay and secure higher bands.
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