What makes us the best IELTS & PTE institute in Moga?
Tailor-made solutions for every student
Flexible course options
IDP trained teachers
State-of-the-art infrastructure
Online/offline classes
Result-oriented preparation material
Individual attention to every student
End-to-end assistance (from shortlisting institutions to studying abroad)
From selection and shortlisting of colleges/universities to happily transitioning to those institutions, Touchstone, Moga stands by you at every step. We guide you through it all to deliver an undisputed student life in a foreign land.
Awards & Recognitions
We apply our two decades of professionalism to advance in the educational world, and with this experience, we are proud to share some of our recent awards:
Awarded as the no. 1 IELTS institute in India by IDP for nine consecutive years.
Awarded as the best IELTS training institute in Punjab by BCD.
Awarded as the best IELTS institute in North India by BCD.
Awarded as the best IELTS institute in India by BCD.
Winner of the Global Achiever’s Award.
Awarded the Premium Plus Award for delivering outstanding IELTS training solutions by BCD.
Touchstone is also an active member of many esteemed international educational associations like:
Canadian Indian Education Council (CIEC)
Association of International Educators (NAFSA)
Association of Australian Education Representatives in India (AAERI)
Our Expertise
Language Cert
Spoken English
Study Visa
How does IELTS/PTE benefit you?
IELTS & PTE are English language tests that focus on global opportunities and enable students to study, work or migrate to a foreign land. Both tests assess your English proficiency across four skills: reading, writing, speaking & listening. These globally recognised tests are accepted by thousands of internationally reputed institutions and trusted by immigration authorities across the world.
Take IELTS/PTE for accurate knowledge of English and widen your career opportunities in the most sought-after countries like Canada, Australia, the UK, the USA and New Zealand.
Ready to take the test? We are here to help!
Call us now @ 0172 5000060 to kickstart your global career.
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